My methods are simple: move in the areas that are challenging for you to move in. We all live in a world plagued by modernized posture which negatively affects our performance in the gym and life. My clients, from the pro athletes to the bad ass moms, understand they have to be aware of these unknowing stressors caused by modernized posture. For example the 8+ hours of seated position they’re in, rounding over a computer or phone, and even the shoes they decide to wear. Building the awareness of how modernized posture has negatively affected your movement is an ongoing process and will have to be personally assessed daily. Everyone’s body is so unique, and we all have different goals, but at the end of the day, we all share a common biological fact.. WE NEED TO MOVE!
As a trainer, one of my skills is to be able to regress or progress an exercise depending on the client’s level. Experiencing pain? That’s perfectly ok; it’s your body’s way of indicating areas that need attention. Rather than pushing through, we focus on addressing your body’s needs. Not feeling fatigued or challenged? Even better, let’s increase intensity! Your body is always evolving, so open communication about your sensations before during and after sessions provides valuable insight. The more you share, the clearer the overall picture becomes, allowing us to tailor my approach to your unique needs.
Prehab is a proactive approach to healthcare that aims to prevent the need for medical or surgical intervention caused by stressful activities, such as exercise programs, occupational tasks, or everyday movement, that modernize posture and morph your body.
The most common goal I receive is simply wanting to move well enough to keep up with their kids or grandkids and to not be in pain.
It’s a marathon not a sprint which is why I focus on creating healthy habits in their fitness routine, nutrition choices, and recovery. This means I work with all kinds of health-related side effects, such as BODY FAT LOSS, BALANCE, ARTHRITIS, LOW BACK PAIN, SLEEP APNEA etc…
We have experience with athletes as young as 7 years old to professional athletes, including those in the NFL, MLS, and gold medal Olympians. Regardless of age or level of profession, we prioritize biomechanics to ensure that every client isn't just becoming more athletic but is also educating themselves on how to move better.